Friday, December 16, 2011

Thanks and Support

     I'm not sure as to exactly what I have done to support my colleagues but I hope if one something small I wrote helped them in this cousre.

    I can truly say that those of my colleagues,who took time to respond to my post helped me tremendously. If they did not take the time and log on I would not have had anyone to interact with. The words o encouragement and questions helps me to also look deeper into my research  information.

    I pray that each of my colleagues weather they blogged with me or not have great success and continue to do what they need to do to get their degree in hand. I would say that closer to the end things seems so much harder and longer but believe me when I tell you it is all so worth it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Spending Time with Children and Parents

   This was probability the best time that I had engaging with the students and their parents. I volunteered to work Mrs. Nelson again with her book fair. This gave me the opportunity to be able to see students with their parent at the same time as this was also their parent, teacher conference. One of the parents volunteered so I was able to spend a good amount of quality time with her and her daughter. When helping set up for the book fair I noticed a lot really has changed concerning the reading material. They had lots of books on Justin Beaver, Willow Smith etc. so I was wondering how parents felt about those kind of books.
   The volunteer mom didn't purchase such books, but books about history like Coretta Scoot King and she talked about how much her children like to read and sing etc. She said that she was and her husband were both very involved in their children's activities, education and that her daughter gets personal torturing to help her improve in the areas where she is having difficulty. The volunteer mom stated that "it is imperative that parents be involved because it truly sets the stage for learning and expectations."
   Having spent this time with the volunteer mom and her daughter was helpful to me because we sometimes pass judgement when we see a child away from their parent. I have always believe and this confirm my belief that learning begins in the home and is extended in the school. Children will succeed and be more successful when their parents activity participate, foster, be a positive role model and interact with their children in the home.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Early Literacy

For this module I spent a considerable amount of time and interacted with Dr. Carol (name change) the assistant principle of my host school and Mrs. Nina (name change) the school's librarian. Talking with Dr. Carol was very interesting and informative. Before becoming an assistant principle he worked at a high school where he loved teaching for nine years. I asked Dr. Carol why isn't there more men in the field especially African American men and he stated that it's a matter of money. "He stated that although teaching is the most important profession it just doesn't pay enough unless your in administration and that must men choose a career where the pay is well". Then he went on to share that he would have love to continue to teach but because of his grouping family he had the position that he has now held for six years. We discussed parents involvement, funding and environment/exposure. I really enjoyed talking with Dr. Carol and I came away knowing that my selection of Early literacy  was indeed the correct topic to write on.

   I also spent time with Mrs. Nina the librarian who was instrumental in helping me to see what goes on in the library with the children. When I was a child we went to the library and pick out a book and that was it. We started reading it there and put it back or took it with us to finish. Mrs. Nina expressed their her desire is to promote a love for reading and that in the library is not only to share the books, but to have book talk and discuss about the authors etc. The children look at videos and have work sheets and this way she assess the children's understanding to see if they paid attention to what they watched and their answers to the worksheet. The children come in by grade and they are instructed to choose a book for their grade level and sections are design so the children will know where to go. Mrs. Nina has the accelerated reading program which begins in the library and continues in the classroom on a regular bases. To foster and encourage the love of reading the school will be hosting a book fair beginning next week and this will promote parent involvement. I will be there on Tuesday to help with the book fair and interact and engage with both the students and their parents. 
     The insight that I've gained is that literacy is a topic that school officials are most concerned about because it is the foundation being build and established both in school and home. To my surprise Dr. Carol said that "teachers are the primary source and they should be held accountable when they don't form to standard".
     The challenge that I'm having with my topic is that there is so much information that it can be overwhelming when trying to make sure I have what I need that will write a successful paper and that I not leave out any vital information. The advantage that I'm bless with is that I get to spend time with the parents and students in a atmosphere that supports my advocacy purpose at the book fair.

Please Note: I posted this exact post in the submission under Submit URL so much earlier than now.  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blog Journal Module 2

    For the last two weeks I have observed and interacted with Mrs. Patrica(name change) a first grade teacher. She is passionate about her students and teaching. Mrs. Patrica has twenty students in her class and shares with me that two might be in danger of being retained because she won't allow them to move forward if their not prepared/ready.
   I told Mrs. Patrica about my research topis early literacy and asked her how important she thought it was for parents to be involved. She had just spoken with a parent who volunteered to come in once a week to read to the children she was literally jumping up and down. She stated having that parent come will make a difference if those two children being retained or not. They will get the extra help because she can't do it by herself.
   We had another conversation and Mrs. Patrica shared that the children who are above average are taken out of class three days a week for a special reading group and the children who are below average get tutored, but the children who are are right at the middle gets no attention at all because their considered average (on target).
     I was surprised to hear that so I gained so many insights this module. The key to any child's success is to get parents involved and it doesn't matter who's parent it is if their willing to help welcome them in. The challenge for many children and teachers is that most parents are dealing with personal issues, work, weariness, finances etc. All these distraction can hinder a parents desire to be involved as well as disinterest.
   Mrs. Patrica thinks my topic is worth pursuing because early literacy is a challenge itself so having parent involvement like the mother who's child by the way was one in the above average take time to come bless other children will let them know some one cares about me and make reading interesting and fun. WOW!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am at the Mark: I am at the Mark: Called to Teach

I am at the Mark: I am at the Mark: Called to Teach: I am at the Mark: Called to Teach : Oct. 13 - I'm IN - Praise the Lord The insight that I've gained is that there is truly a need for earl...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I am at the Mark: Called to Teach

I am at the Mark: Called to Teach: Oct. 13 - I'm IN - Praise the Lord

The insight that I've gained is that there is truly a need for early literacy and that it is worth advocating for.

Interviewing a teacher and principle influenced my drive for the interest I've chosen.

The area of interest I'm focusing on is Early Literacy and the topics are Parent Involvement, Funding, and Exposure/Environment.

How do you all feel about early literacy and how has it personally and professionally meet your expectations for the children both in and outside your home?

Called to Teach

Oct. 13 - I'm IN - Praise the Lord